The Adventure Family

"It was really cool to use the map. The treasure box was cool because it had shiny gems in it" - Theo, 6

"I liked finding a bottle, digging in the sand, and finding treasure" - Abe, 4

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  • Family Matters

    At Adventure Family, our sole mission is to bring families together. We hope to give each family a fun experience that makes memories and strengthens the family bonds.

  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

    If you are not satisfied with our products, we will do whatever it takes to fix the situation or we will return 100% of the purchase price plus shipping.

  • Giving Back

    For every 100 Treasure Chest Adventure Kits sold, we will be donating one to an adoptive or foster family. At Adventure Family, we believe that these specific families need to be given as many opportunities as possible to connect.